Friday, July 16, 2010

fill in the blanks

I'm back. At least for the moment. I can't guarantee that this will be entertaining, or that I'll post again anytime soon, but for this moment, I'm back.

Our lives have been really busy lately, Chad is back in school, which is very exciting, but means that I am taking on a *little* more than I was doing before. Mostly, I'm taking Hailey to day care every day instead of just Mondays and Fridays. His classes are online, so his work schedule has not changed, but he spends a lot more time in front of the computer on the days he is home. We are really proud of him for doing so much and doing so well.

Hailey's thinking about potty training, which is REALLY cool. She likes to use the potty a lot, but we're not quite dedicated enough to really commit to it yet. Soon. I hope. We didn't tell her Sunday school teacher that she was potty training at all, and she ended up messing up the ONE diaper we took in. Oops. Her tantrums are fewer and farther between, although we had a couple of doozies last night. Tonight she and I walked down to the pool, and she jumped off the side at least ten times, and didn't even throw a fit when it was time to leave! It's the little things....

I'm still working, my job is good, although I'm still praying for guidance. Kind of thinking about teaching, although I'm not sure about it. Teacher friends, if you have any advice where this decision is concerned, I'll gladly take it!! I'm working on myself a little too. Trying to give up the green eyed monster, which is tough. I'm really not a big "coveter," but I do compare myself to others a lot. "She's skinnier, she has a better car, has a house, a second kid, and so on..." The problem with my brand of jealousy is that I forget to be thankful for the things that I have. Like a beautiful, smart little girl. And a pretty terrific husband. A loving family. A roof over my head, and food in my belly. A JOB, even if I don't think it's the one that I want. That said, I just don't think that attitude is healthy. So if I can stop grumbling about what I don't have, trust that GOd will give me the things that I want when HE wants me to have them, and just be thankful for all those things (and more), I think I'll be happier.

Ok, I got a little bit deeper than I meant to. Next time I'm going to try to be a little less "fill in the blanks since my last post 3 months ago" and a little more entertaining.

Til next time...